Start-Up Experiment: Dear America (2023)
After my previous experience working at PurpleTrader, I decided to bring to life a passion project that has been on my mind for years: Dear America: Letters to America. The concept behind Dear America is to create a website that provides a platform for Americans to express their concerns about the country and have their voices heard. This project is a culmination of my experience in early-stage startups, my deep love for America, and the application of lean principles inspired by Dan Olson's book, "Lean Project Playbook."
In this blog, I will delve into the inspiration behind the project, the methodology behind the creation of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), and discuss the key assumptions that I will test during the initial launch of the MVP.
In recent years, I have devoted my time to writing letters that address specific events and express my concerns about our nation's challenges. These letters have become a valuable outlet to share my beliefs without fearing judgment.
Surprisingly, when I started sharing these letters with others, I discovered a genuine interest in further discussing and exploring these topics. While not everyone agreed with my views, I found solace in engaging in civil conversations that avoided the petty arguments often seen in the news.
Through these interactions, I have realized that perhaps we are not as divided as we are led to believe, especially regarding the traditional divisions of "Republican" and "Democrat." Despite our distinct perspectives, I have found that most Americans possess a shared "Common Sense" and a deep love for our country and its welfare.
Coming from a background of innovation and creation, I felt compelled to try something new. If we are to move forward as a nation, we must be willing to dismantle outdated barriers, engage in our civic duties, step outside our comfort zones, and embrace innovation. As a result, the idea of Dear America was born - a website designed to provide a platform where Americans can openly express their concerns about the country and have their voices heard.
Key Assumptions
Before embarking on the product creation process, I thoroughly examined the key assumptions underlying this idea. Key assumptions serve as the fundamental beliefs that form the basis of a business or project. They encompass the core assumptions about the target customers, their challenges, the proposed solution, and the market dynamics.
These key assumptions hold significance due to their unverified or unproven nature, requiring validation. They represent the risks and uncertainties that must be addressed in order to establish a successful product or business. By identifying and testing these assumptions early in the process, I can gather valuable data and insights to confirm or refute their hypotheses, enabling them to make informed decisions.
Listed below are some of the key assumptions that I made on the project:
Assumption 1: Americans are actively seeking a platform to share their concerns and engage in conversations about the country.
Assumption 2:: People are willing to engage in thoughtful and respectful conversations about various concerns and topics.
Assumption 3: The platform will attract a diverse range of perspectives and voices, leading to rich and meaningful discussions.
Assumption 4: There is a significant need for a centralized hub where people can share their thoughts and concerns about the country.
Based on these key assumptions, I formulated several hypotheses that could be tested through the creation of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
These hypotheses will provide valuable insights into the immediate future within 1 to 2 months:
We believe that Americans will submit letters to the website because Americans want to have their voices heard.
We believe that Americans will engage in conversations with others because Americans want to help find ways to improve the country.
We believe that Americans will engage in thoughtful and respectful conversations about various concerns and topics because the truth is most Americans are moderates.
We believe that Americans will actively share their concerns and engage in conversations on our website because they desire a dedicated platform that amplifies their voices and fosters a sense of community and civic engagement.
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
In order to validate the idea, it was essential to develop a minimum viable product (MVP). An MVP aims to build something quickly and efficiently, avoiding unnecessary investment of time and resources in a product that may not resonate with the target audience. When testing an idea, it’s important to understand the value of time and resources, especially in the early stages of a startup or idea, and the importance of utilizing them effectively.
With this in mind, I created a basic website allowing users to compose letters on various topics related to America, providing them with a platform to express their concerns. These letters would then be stored in a database, enabling users to filter and discover letters based on specific topics of interest. The process of developing the MVP required approximately one month to complete.
Based on the outcomes of the testing phase, I will consider creating a Discord or Telegram group channel. This additional platform will offer users an opportunity to engage with others and foster further discussions related to the Dear America initiative. It will serve as a space for community interaction and provide a platform to facilitate ongoing conversations beyond the website.
Key Metrics to Look At
With the website's launch, I will monitor several metrics to gauge the potential market fit. For the immediate future, within a timeline of 1-2 months, my primary focus will be on the number of letters received. User-generated letters will not only demonstrate engagement but also serve as a means of sign-up. By encouraging users to create letters and providing their email addresses, I can gauge early interest in the idea and evaluate the level of engagement.
Additionally, during the medium-term timeline of approximately 1-3 months, I will closely monitor active user engagement on the platform. This metric will assess the participation level of users who continuously post letters and actively engage in discussions. To measure this, I will track the number of unique users who post or comment within a specified period, providing insights into the ongoing user activity and participation level.
During the medium-term timeline of approximately 1-3 months, diverse participation is another important metric I will analyze. It is crucial to ensure that a wide range of perspectives is represented in the discussions, fostering inclusivity and ensuring that a broad spectrum of voices is being heard. To measure this, I will track and analyze various aspects, such as the demographic information of users, the variety of topics and concerns being discussed, and potentially conduct surveys to gauge the representation of different viewpoints.
I will evaluate user feedback to assess their overall experience on the website and determine if the platform meets their needs and expectations. This feedback can be collected through user surveys, ratings, reviews, or feedback channels such as contact forms or social media platforms. I can gain valuable insights into areas of improvement and identify what aspects of the platform resonate positively with users. This continuous feedback loop will help refine the website to ensure it delivers a satisfying user experience.
To the Americans that care about our country, join us on this journey as we celebrate the richness of our shared heritage and work together towards a brighter future. Let us write the next chapter of our nation's story, one letter at a time. When we come together as Americans and listen and learn from one another, we can create a country that lives up to its highest ideals. Together, we can shape a future where patriotism is the unifying force in our strive for a better nation.
Write your letter today by heading to the link below: